
September 07, 2015

HST Quilt Along

Well, I finished all the Half Square Triangle (HST) blocks, all 30 of them. Then decided that I hated one of them and pulled it out. The other four are going to get pieced on the back. I also decided that I hate HST's. Wait, I already knew that. Now I just hate them more. 

After laying all the blocks out together, it needed something to break up each block. Each block is different and I wanted to showcase that no two where the same. On the inside blocks, I added the one inch sashing. The one inch sashing is quickly becoming my favorite. 

Now I am not sure how to finish the edges. So far my thoughts are a thicker border in the background color, then bind it. What do you all think?

- Patch & Chels


  1. Oh, I laughed right out! Sorry the HST's didn't grow on you, but the quilt is lovely!!!!

  2. I know you say you hate the HSTs but oh that quilt is beautiful! The inch binding is perfect and I agree, a wider border in the same, and then maybe a scrappy binding from the leftovers would be so pretty :)

  3. I also laughed when I read your first paragraph. I like HSTs but only in small doses. Making an entire quilt with them can be tedious if you are continually working on it. I have an entire HST pinwheel quilt just waiting for a border and quilting. I really like the 1-inch border. As for finishing the outside edges, I like the idea of the border being exactly 1-inch after you've added your binding (so 1.25 or 1.5 depending upon how thick your bindings are. But that's just the OCD in me talking.

  4. All those lovely HST's make one pretty quilt. Do you want the quilt bigger? How are you going to quilt it? Do you want to showcase quilting in the border? I would go with the an outside border of between one or three inches depending on the quilting. I agree a scrappy binding.

  5. I really like the 1" sashing. I think it would look really nice framed with a coloured or scrappy binding.

  6. I love the soft colors of this quilt and the small sashing is perfect. I agree with Diana, a border that would finish the same size as the sashing after binding would keep the attention on those beautiful blocks. And I'm always a huge fan of scrappy bindings. HSTs are a royal pain to make and work with, but they make such gorgeous blocks!

  7. I think it is wonderful, but I'm sure I would agree about HST if I had to do that many. I agree with Diana too, the 1' border to frame it and then those beautiful HST will shine.

  8. The one inch sashing is wonderful with these blocks. I'm trying to wrap my head around your hate for HST but I don't know if we can be friends anymore.....

    I'd agree a thicker border in the background color but maybe even do an interesting binding with it. Add a flange or if you're a glutton for punishment: a prairie point flange would make sense with all the hard angles of the HST blocks.

  9. What a difference that skinny sashing makes! Let me guess ... you used your regular quarter-inch foot and no pins, right? Only you would get such fabulous results w/o a walking foot or pins!

  10. It looks great, Chelsea. Yes, I think a simple border as you suggest would frame it perfectly.


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