
December 31, 2016

Moving Toward 2017

2017 theme: REFOCUS

Lately I have felt things are spinning out of control. I have too much going on, too many commitments, and too many things to do.  I cannot give all my commitments the care and attention they deserve, not to mention myself!

On the blog I have been rushing from project to project like it's a job.  Spending all my free time sewing to meet an unrealistic deadline I created for myself. The desire to maintain a constant flow of new material has me feeling a little burnt out. My parents always said I burn the candle at both ends. As much as I enjoy being busy, there also needs to be a balance. (Pretty sure I talk about finding balance every year around this time). This year I tend to refocus. Finding what matters most to me and putting those priorities first. 

As much as I love the sewing and the blogging community, this is one of the areas I plan on scaling WAY back. Instead of stressing to put out 9 mediocre posts a month, for 2017 I am planning on sharing to 2 or 3 posts a month. Thus giving more content and focus to my posts. All the work that goes into a blog post has been weighing me down. Hopefully, by sharing only the best of what is happening around here I can relieve some of the stress I put on myself. 

Almost every aspect of my life has been under scrutiny these last few weeks, do I want to keep doing this activity? do I need to move on? is this something that brings me joy? will this inspire me? So many things didn't make the cut and it feels good to walk away.  All the noise in my head is quieting. 

Here is to a focused year in 2017. What are some changes you all are making for the 2017 year? 


  1. I am so glad to hear that the background noise is already fading with your choices, and I can completely understand the need to reconsider and move forward with confidence. I hope that by going through this Refocusing activity you will find much more than focus as an outcome. <3

  2. Good for you! I cleaned house a good bit last year and it felt great. And I completely hear you on the blog. I have been taking some big breaks and just posting when I feel like it and it has been a huge relief. I hope you're able to find that balance you're seeking in 2017! :) Happy New Year!

  3. For 2017 I want to focus on "home" as I need to find a new apt. which fits my needs and budget. I want to own my things rather than the other way around so that means giving away lots and focusing on what is important to me. Congratulations on focusing on what is right for you. I would rather reqd 1-3 strong posts monthly than how ever many you do while stressing the effort or wishing you could be doing something else.

  4. I'm trying to remind myself that I don't always have to show finished things and that if I plan to blog about the work in progress it can be just as fun - whether I manage it remains to be seen!

  5. Blogging can feel overwhelming, especially when I start comparing my output to that of other quilter/bloggers. For the past three months I have worked hard to stop those comparisons and it has felt like a breath of fresh air. Congrats for making what was most likely a tough decision, and know that if the noise is already quieting it was absolutely the right one!

  6. Don't ever feel bad about scaling back -- sewing should be fun, never like a chore! Glad to see you're putting yourself first! <3

  7. Happy New Year Chelsea! Good for you for taking care of you! There are so many real world deadlines and commitments, we need to manage the self-imposed ones. Blogging is wonderful way to connect to this great community but to do it well takes some time I've discovered. The cliche "quality not quantity" is my current personal motto when it comes to blogging!

  8. I think taking time to refocus is a wonderful thing. Will I miss your posts, yes, but that isn't what is important. It is so much more important that you are happy. Let go of the things dragging you down, and soar.

  9. I always love to hear personal stories of self-reflection and prioritization. I think we need so much more of that in this world! Thanks for being such a good example. In 2015 I cut down on my posts out of necessity and I decided to keep that reduced amount in 2016. No one minded a bit!

  10. Taking the time to refocus and put yourself first is always a good decision. Isn't it funny how self-inflicted priorities put so much stress on us? Reminding yourself that you already have a job and that sewing, blogging, and any other hobby, is meant to be for relaxation and recharging is so important. All the best to you in 2017.

  11. Good for you Chelsea, do what works for you, that's the best way to go!

  12. I have no idea about that fabric, but I have to agree that it is amazing.

    pirates of the caribbean 5

  13. I really like your new decorative designs! it's beautiful so much and good idea on site.



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