December 29, 2014

Sister's Quilt

My sister's quilt did get finished on time, I was sewing on the binding just as Santa was arriving. It was that close. I under estimated the time it would take to finish this twin sized quilt. Much different than a quick baby quilt! Either way it's done and sister has already been enjoying it's warmth. 

The top is FMQ with a loopy flower all over pattern. This was the fist time FMQ on my new machine so I wanted a forgiving pattern. It's one of those don't look to close finishes. After a quarter way through the quilting I found my rhythm then things started to improve. The backing is flannel, so this one was an extra heavy, twin sized struggle to get through the machine. Super warm, and a big workout! Pretty sure it negated all those sweets I have been enjoying.

Quilt Stats: 

  • Finished Size: 66 inches x 80 inches 
  • Pattern: Sugar Block of the Month - January 
  • Fabric: Hello Petal by Moda, Kona white background, and Essex Linen
  • Batting: Warm & Natural - white
  • Thread: Connecting Threads - Parchment

Mom also was pretty happy, she got this quilt ladder that Dad and I put together. She was playing with the arrangement of her quilts, here is the final layout. You can see on the second rung is the Looking Glass quilt, I pattern tested. She also got her hands on that quilt too! Still trying to pick my father's brain to make a tutorial for the ladder, it was really 80% him, 20% me. 

Hope everyone enjoyed their holiday. 

-Patch & Chels

December 26, 2014

Goodbye 2014

Hello out there! Yes, I am alive. This past week has been super stressful, whew it's over. Good thing I am on vacation so I can get caught up on my blog reading and see all the wonderful things my friends have been working on this last week. Here is a little recap of the last year, so many projects, good friendships, and wonderful blogging events happened this year. 

Some of my favorite blogging events of the past year include; the New Bloggers Blog Hop at Clover & Violet, Quilt Challenge with my Grandmother, Round Robin Quilt Bee, and the Low Volume Charm Swap with Michelle. January 1st will mark my blogging anniversary, one year under my belt. It's amazing that when I started blogging I had very small goals, 50 followers and have at least a few people comment on my posts (that are not related). This community is so welcoming and has the best positive energy, thank you to all my new blogging friends. You have all made this experience one of the very best decisions I have ever made :) 

I cannot wait to see what 2015 brings for this whole community! 

-Patch & Chels

December 16, 2014

Color Wheel Mini

The New Hampshire Modern Quilt Guild has challenged members to make a rainbow quilt. Over the past couple meetings the guild has hosted rainbow fabric swaps, to help us build our color palettes. I think this is part of a national deal? But, not quite sure. 

Any-who, I didn't need a huge rainbow quilt, I needed a color wheel to hang by my stash. Having a color wheel handy is great when pulling fabrics. Once again, I used a pattern from Simply Retro by Camille Roskelley called Adorn. 

The background is all scraps that were pieced together in long strips then cut into the triangles. I am trying to make a dent in my scrap bin, so this helped :)

Then finished it off by hand-stitching around each triangle and putting on a striped binding.

The backing is the same as my grandmother's quilt challenge, she gave me the leftover cute foxy fabric! It was almost big enough, but goes well with my leftovers from the same challenge :).

I am excited to get this mini hung up and put into use! 

-Patch & Chels

December 13, 2014

Be ... Still

The lucky winner is commenter #110.

Your Patriotic Stars quilt is my favorite. I've been wanting to make one very similar to it. Thanks again!
Congrats Sarah, I sent you an e-mail with your new patterns :) 

This month Stitchery Dickory Dock inspired us to be still. LOL, yeah that's not me. The last thing I am able to do is nothing. Don't get me wrong I have no problem watching a movie marathon, but there will be hand-quilting or knitting needles in my hands. Something will be getting done. My mind cannot be still. If I need to unwind, it usually means reading a book. I find it's the only way for my mind to stop reflecting, perfecting, and creating.

The December block is awesome. I actually made four to complete my Sugar Blocks. That's right, all months are done and all 30 blocks are finished. Now, I need to start adding the sashing and getting this top done! That part I am ok with starting next year, when the snow is flying and holiday sewing is done.

What is everyone else doing to keep there sanity in this month of insanity?

-Patch & Chels

December 10, 2014

Friendship Bags

My guild hosted a yankee swap at our meeting last night and I needed something cute, quick, and easy to whip up as a gift. This little pattern from ps. i quilt, was everything I was looking for! Added with a charm pack of white fabric, it was good to go. Even through I only needed one, they were just too cute not to make a couple! 

All the fabric was pulled from my scrap bin, very good way to use up scraps!! Except the bottom fabric, that got pulled from my stash. Isn't it awesome!  When I picked it out, I thought more would show.  I guess not. There was a bunch left over so it's going to become part of another Christmas gift. Secret holiday sewing is well under way :) 

-Patch & Chels

December 08, 2014

Giveaway Day

WELCOME! Today's giveaway is from Meadow Mist Designs. This is my first time being apart of the giveaway day and having a sponsor. Double excitement for me! I am giving away my three of my favorite Meadow Mist patterns.  Hopefully you will agree on how great they are!

1. Looking Glass 2. Paper Pieced Numbers 3. Scrappy Tiles

Looking Glass - I was part of the testing for this pattern, and fell in love. It's a great pattern, with well written directions and is good for beginners that want more pizzaz. The quilt has multiple sizes and is layer cake and charm pack friendly.

Paper Pieced Numbers - how awesome is a pi quilt!  Ok, maybe my math teacher geeky side is coming out but really, it's great. The pattern has 3", 5", 7" sizes for numbers 0 - 9. An added bonus is directions to make the pi quilt shown.

Scrappy Tiles - is another layer cake friendly pattern. Right now I have a pile of pieces cut and ready to get sewn, but my holiday sewing is getting in the way! The pattern is also well written and a great way to use up some of your scraps.

'Tis the season and I am feeing generous, so you have two chances to win! One, name your favorite Meadow Mist Pattern.  Two, what was your favorite quilt from Patch the Giraffe this year? Leave each answer in a separate comment below.  Drawing will close December 12th, that's Friday :)

- Patch & Chels

December 07, 2014

Sunday Stash

This Sunday Stash is from the Fat Quarter Shop! Who else capitalized on their 25% off Black Friday sale? The layer cake is for a little project the shop asked me to be apart of in January.  Just love Lauren + Jessi Jung! More on that later. 

For now, I am going to just look at the blue fabric and admire it's beauty :)

I also used the sale to pick up next years Quilt Challenge fabric. Gram and I have added some more family members. We are up to four! After a family debate between my Mom and Aunt to see who got my Looking Glass quilt, fabric by Fig Tree. I settled on a jolly bar of Somerset. Also by Fig Tree, it has similar color tones, so Auntie will be happy. (My Mom got the Looking Glass quilt) I also picked up some backing and filler fabric while it was reduced in price. This will be our third year doing the challenge. 

Who has some ideas on what to do with a jolly bar?  They are new and exclusive from Fat Quarter Shop so there is limited inspiration out there! 

-Patch & Chels

Heading over to Molli Sparkles to like up!

December 03, 2014

Feeling Dapper

DRUMROLL .......
The winner of the Looking Glass giveaway goes to,

Hiya!!! I'm following along on the hop, and just love this quilt. I follow you by email and enjoy all the posts. Thanks for having the giveaway. Blessed be, hugs!!! Pam
Pam I just sent an email with the PDF attached!  Thanks for being a loyal follower :)

Now for the meat and potatoes, anyone feeling dapper today?

dapper |ˈdapər|adjective(typically of a man) neat and trim in dress, appearance, or bearing.

This little quilt is feeling very dapper ...

I used the quilt pattern from the book Simply Retro by Camille Roskelley. After looking through my quilt stack, I realized there was a lack of baby boy quilts in the pile. Ok, there was none. That needed a remedy and quick.

Solution, I pulled a stack boy colors, and got to work.

This quilt was a quick finish, the top took an afternoon. The quilting is a basic stipple and the back is flannel. This is my first time using flannel to back a quilt. There was no difference in quilting, which I was surprised to find out. I expected the worst and a huge headache. The whole thing went together without a problem. It has won me over! Plus, the additional snuggle factor is a bonus.

Quilt Stats: 

  • Finished Size: 42 inches x 47 inches 
  • Pattern: Dapper
  • Fabric: Assorted fat quarters from my stash, Kona white background
  • Batting: Warm & Natural - white
  • Thread: Connecting Threads - Parchment

-Patch & Chels